Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)
Course Objective:
The Course seeks to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge on methods/tools/process of effective and efficient Organizational Development. More importantly, participants will get an opportunity to share experiences, ideas and knowledge on OD.
Course Content:
*The concept of M & E within development projects
*Understanding participatory evaluation
*Functional relationships between monitoring and evaluation
*Monitoring and evaluation in project intervention models
*Requirements for setting up sounds M & E systems
*Practical guidelines for developing M & E systems
*Hierarchy of project objectives in relation to M & E
*Developing practical and realistic indicators
*Decision making and responsive structures for PME frameworks
*Developing users friendly tools for M & E
*Undertaking PME with partners and stakeholders
*Sampling for an evaluation: key determinants
*Systematic stages in conducting realistic PME
*Useful participatory techniques and tools in data collection
*Participatory analysis and interpretation of data
*Quantitative Methods & Data Analysis
Writing an Evaluation Report
*Preparation and Validation of an Evaluation Report
*Tips of draft report preparation and validation of an evaluation
*Challenges of undertaking successful PME in project
Target Group:
Project managers and coordinators, development workers/field workers, social workers, field animators, interns and development volunteers